
Marketing research and market access services for Loyalty Culture

We're happy to share one more success story! We have helped Loyalty Culture, a virtual marketer that uses patient behavior data to increase clinics' revenue, successfully enter the market.

We provide customized market access services to our clients. For Loyalty Culture, we began by conducting a thorough analysis of the UAE market, including key business demographics, economic indicators, and healthcare system elements. This allowed us to find the best market entry opportunities for Loyalty Culture

As a result of our collaboration with Loyalty Culture, we were able to:

✅ Conduct a competitor analysis of the loyalty systems market in UAE hospitals, identifying the top 5 competitors. This analysis helped us to identify areas where Loyalty Culture could differentiate itself and compete effectively in the market.

✅ Assess market entry barriers, including privacy and data protection, cross-border data transfer, and laws and regulatory restrictions. This allowed us to help Loyalty Culture navigate the complex legal landscape and ensure compliance with local regulations.

✅ Develop a business model for Loyalty Culture in the UAE, including a product description, unique selling proposition, target market segment, decision-makers, monetization model, organizational business model, and pricing policy.

✅ Evaluate potential customers and identify more than 100 clinics and medical centers in the UAE market that could benefit from Loyalty Culture's product.

✅ Organize and assist in the negotiations with 10 potential clients and key partners in the market, including both clinics and providers of data management solutions such as InterSystems. We successfully conducted meetings with top hospitals such as Medcare Hospital, Saudi German Hospital, and others. First agreements made, pilot implementation planned, and future meetings scheduled.

We're proud of what we've accomplished with Loyalty Culture and excited to continue supporting their growth in the UAE market.

If you're looking to enter the UAE market and establish a strong foundation for your company, we invite you to reach out to us today. We're here to help you overcome market entry barriers, identify new opportunities, and achieve success in the region.